Healthcare offers a world of opportunities.
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Information and Resources
Job Title | Median Salary | Education Required | Job Description |
Behavioral Health Technician | $41,000 | Associate’s Degree and Registered Behavioral Health Technician Certification | Care for individuals with behavioral health conditions, following instructions of physician or other health practitioners. |
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) | $38,000 | HS Diploma or GED and Nursing Assistant Certification | Provide basic care and help patients with activities of daily living. |
Sterile Processing Technician | $51,000 | Prepare, sterilize, install, or clean laboratory or healthcare equipment. May perform routine lab tasks and operate or inspect equipment. | |
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) | $68,000 | Graduation from licensed practical school of nursing; LPN License | Provide basic nursing care at the patient’s bedside. Comfort patients who are sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled. |
Medical Assistant (MA) | $42,000 | Perform administrative and certain clinical duties under direction of physician (e.g. maintaining medical records, taking vital signs, preparing patients for examination). | |
Radiologic Technologist | $86,000 | Associate’s Degree and ARRT Certification | Perform diagnostic imaging examinations on patients, such as X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans. |
Registered Nurse (RN) | $139,000 | Bachelors of science in Nursing or Associates Degree in Nursing and pass NCLEX-RN exam | Provide and coordinate patient care, education patients and the public about various health conditions. Provide advice and emotional support to patients and their families. |
Respiratory Therapist | $74,000 | Associate’s or Bachelors Degree and CRT or RRT licensure | Assess, treat, and care for patients who have trouble breathing |
Surgical Technologist | $58,000 | Certificate or associate’s degree. Some states regulate these workers. | Assist in operating room under the supervision of surgeons, registered nurses, or others. |
Job Title | Median Salary | Education Required | Job Description |
Environmental Services Associate/Assistant | $41,000 | HS Diploma or GED | Keep healthcare facilities in a clean and orderly condition. Typically perform duties such as cleaning floors, carpets, and linens. |
Food and Nutrition Services Assistant | $38,000 | HS diploma or GED | Prepare food items for patient room service, cafeteria and catering. |
Front Desk Associate | $40,000 | HS Diploma and/or some college | Greet patients and visitors, perform check-in, registration, checkout and follow-up. |
Category | Resources for You | More Information |
Apprenticeships | Healthcare Apprenticeships | Explore apprenticeship roles in the healthcare sector from a national perspective. |
Massachusetts Apprenticeships | Explore information and listings about available apprenticeships in Massachusetts. | |
Education and Training | Professional Training and Career Development | Find information from the state of Massachusetts on training and career development opportunities. |
MedCerts Career Training and Workforce Solutions | MedCerts provides online and blended learning training options, as well as apprentice opportunities approved by the federal government. | |
MassReconnect Program | MassReconnect is a free community college program for people aged 25 and older. The program covers full education tuition. | |
Education & Salary Information | Occupational Outlook Handbook: Healthcare Jobs | This resource describes a wide range of healthcare roles and positions and includes both average salary information and education requirements |
O*NET Online | The O*NET database contains information for hundreds of jobs. Career information includes data on projected growth, and job and education requirements. | |
My Next Move | My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. It includes descriptions, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. | |
mySkills myFuture | mySkills myFuture can help you find new career options to explore. You’ll find details about careers that may be a good match for your skills. You’ll also find local schools and training programs that can help you move into a new career, and you can even view and apply for job listings in your local area. | |
Training & Job Searching | Listing of all MassHire Boards
| Find links and key contacts for Workforce Boards across Massachusetts. |
Healthcare Workforce Partnership of Western Massachusetts | Employers, workforce leaders, training and education providers, community-based organizations, and philanthropic organizations have come together with the shared mission of strengthening the region’s healthcare workforce and enhancing the quality of patient care | |
MassHire Berkshire County Industry Initiatives | Explore information about healthcare jobs in Berkshire County. | |
Franklin & Hampshire County Healthcare Industry Information MassHire | Find resources and information about healthcare careers in Franklin and Hampshire counties. |
Information and Resources
Behavioral Health Technician
Median Salary: $41,000
Education Required: Associate’s Degree and Registered Behavioral Health Technician Certification
Job Description: Care for individuals with behavioral health conditions, following instructions of physician or other health practitioners.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
Median Salary: $38,000
Education Required: HS Diploma or GED and Nursing Assistant Certification
Job Description: Provide basic care and help patients with activities of daily living.
Sterile Processing Technician
Median Salary: $51,000
Job Description: Prepare, sterilize, install, or clean laboratory or healthcare equipment. May perform routine lab tasks and operate or inspect equipment.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Median Salary: $68,000
Education Required: Graduation from licensed practical school of nursing; LPN License
Job Description: Provide basic nursing care at the patient’s bedside. Comfort patients who are sick, injured, convalescent, or disabled.
Medical Assistant (MA)
Median Salary: $42,000
Job Description: Perform administrative and certain clinical duties under direction of physician (e.g. maintaining medical records, taking vital signs, preparing patients for examination).
Radiologic Technologist
Median Salary: $86,000
Education Required: Associate’s Degree and ARRT Certification
Job Description: Perform diagnostic imaging examinations on patients, such as X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans.
Registered Nurse (RN)
Median Salary: $139,000
Education Required: Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Associates Degree in Nursing and pass NCLEX-RN exam
Job Description: Provide and coordinate patient care, education patients and the public about various health conditions. Provide advice and emotional support to patients and their families.
Respiratory Therapist
Median Salary: $74,000
Education Required: Associates or Bachelors Degree and CRT or RRT licensure
Job Description: Assess, treat, and care for patients who have trouble breathing.
Surgical Technologist
Median Salary: $58,000
Education Required: Certificate or Associates degree. Some states regulate these workers.
Job Description: Assist in operating room under the supervision of surgeons, registered nurses, or others.
Environmental Services Associate/Assistant
Median Salary: $41,000
Education Required: HS Diploma or GED
Job Description: Keep facilities in clean orderly condition. Perform cleaning duties like cleaning floors and carpet and removing rubbish and linens.
Food and Nutrition Services Assistant
Median Salary: $38,000
Education Required: HS diploma or GED
Job Description: Prepare food items for patient room service, cafeteria and catering.
Front Desk Associate
Median Salary: $40,000
Education Required: HS Diploma and/or some college
Job Description: Greet patients and visitors, perform check-in, registration, checkout and follow-up.
Apprenticeships | More Information |
Healthcare Apprenticeships | Explore apprenticeship roles in the healthcare sector from a national perspective. |
Massachusetts Apprenticeships | Explore information and listings about available apprenticeships in Massachusetts. |
Education and Training | |
Professional Training and Career Development | Find information from the state of Massachusetts on training and career development opportunities. |
MedCerts Career Training and Workforce Solutions | MedCerts provides online and blended learning training options, as well as apprentice opportunities approved by the federal government. |
MassReconnect Program | MassReconnect is a free community college program for people aged 25 and older. The program covers full education tuition. |
Education & Salary Information | |
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Healthcare Jobs | This resource describes a wide range of healthcare roles and positions and includes both average salary information and education requirements |
O*NET Online | The O*NET database contains information for hundreds of jobs. Career information includes data on projected growth, and job and education requirements. |
My Next Move | My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. It includes descriptions, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. |
mySkills myFuture | mySkills myFuture can help you find new career options to explore. You’ll find details about careers that may be a good match for your skills. You’ll also find local schools and training programs that can help you move into a new career, and you can even view and apply for job listings in your local area. |
Training & Job Searching | |
Healthcare Workforce Partnership of Western Massachusetts | Employers, workforce leaders, training and education providers, community-based organizations, and philanthropic organizations have come together with the shared mission of strengthening the region’s healthcare workforce and enhancing the quality of patient care. |
Listing of all MassHire Boards | Find links and key contacts for Workforce Boards across Massachusetts,. |
MassHire Berkshire County Intustry Initiatives | Explore information about healthcare jobs in Berkshire County. |
Franklin & Hampshire County Healthcare Industry Information MassHire | Find resources and information about healthcare careers in Franklin and Hampshire counties |